Cannabis sativa l. subsp. indica

Cannabaceae. Description et habitat.

2016 Elle font toutes parties d'une des trois familles de cannabis : sativa, indica ou ruderalis. Ces trois noms sont utilisés pour décrire trois  25 oct. 2010 Malgré cela, on continue à distinguer couramment le "chanvre indien" (Cannabis sativa indica) du "chanvre textile", même s'il n'existe en fait  Cannabis sativa L. — The Plant List 33 rows · Cannabis sativa L. is an accepted name This name is the accepted name of a species in the … Cannabis sativa ssp. sativa - Wikipedia C. sativa L. subsp.

Sep 20, 2018 · The words “indica” and “sativa” were introduced in the 18th century to describe different species of cannabis: Cannabis sativa and Cannabis indica. The term sativa described hemp plants

The flowering tops are called many slang terms including pot, marijuana, hashish , bhang, and ganja. The stem is an important source of hemp fiber. Cannabis sativa subsp. indica (Lam.) E.Small & A.Cronquist (redirected from: Cannabis indica Lam.) Go To Encyclopedia of Life Family: Cannabaceae.

The genus Cannabis includes up to three strains, Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica, and Cannabis ruderalis, each with a very long history of domestication [1]. These strains can be separated by

Cannabis sativa l. subsp. indica

indica ( Lam.) E. Small & Cronquist. Afficher Aire de croissance de la plante. Originaire ou  19 Jan 2020 Indica and Sativa are different species of medical marijuana. split into two categories or subspecies: Cannabis indica and Cannabis sativa. One of these subspecies, C. indica subsp. indica, includes varieties that span the Indian subcontinent from Southeast Asia to western India and into Africa.

The term sativa described hemp plants What is the difference between sativa and indica - Answers Industrial hemp (cannabis sativa L. subsp. sativa var.

The term sativa described hemp plants What is the difference between sativa and indica - Answers Industrial hemp (cannabis sativa L. subsp. sativa var. sativa) looks very similar to marijuana (cannabis sativa subsp. indica), but has only minute concentrations of the psychoactive drug THC Cannabinoid Profile Investigation of Vapourized Cannabis ... Cannabis sativa L. subsp. indica, variety indica blends of flowering heads that have been air-dried, milled, destemmed and fine ground, stored in glass vials with aluminum caps in 100 mg dose size.

indica (Lam.) E.Small & A.Cronquist (redirected from: Cannabis indica Lam.) Go To Encyclopedia of Life Family: Cannabaceae. Cannabis sativa subsp. indica (Lam.) E.Small & Cronquist, Taxon 25: 426 1976. ( syn: Cannabis indica var. kafiristanica Vav.; Cannabis kafiristanica (Vav.)  30 May 2008 Cannabis L. hemp. Species, Cannabis sativa L. marijuana.

2018 Cannabis sativa L. subsp. indica = Cannabis indica Lam. Famille botanique. Cannabaceae. Description et habitat. Le chanvre "indien"  subsp. indica (Lam.) E. Small et Cronquist.

Cannabis sativa subsp. indica (Lam.) E.Small & Cronquist, Taxon 25: 426 1976. ( syn: Cannabis indica var. kafiristanica Vav.; Cannabis kafiristanica (Vav.)  30 May 2008 Cannabis L. hemp. Species, Cannabis sativa L. marijuana.

Cannabis sativa subsp. intersita (Soják) Soják, Synonym, L  sativa subsp. indica; (4). the vernacular taxonomy of “Sativa” and “Indica.” The Family Cannabaceae. The family  subspecies of plant.